Home Health Herniated disc treatment can include a range of treatments

Herniated disc treatment can include a range of treatments

Generally, the back pain associated with herniated discs will improve within a few days and disappear completely within four to six weeks. The symptoms of herniated discs can be relieved with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, and injections. If non-surgical measures do not relieve the pain, surgery may be required. For relief of pain, doctors will often prescribe non-prescription medicine or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). A doctor may also prescribe acetaminophen, which has little anti-inflammatory effects. However, long-term use of NSAIDs can cause other health problems, including kidney and liver damage.

Herniated disc treatment involves a series of treatments aimed at reducing the inflammation in the disc. Conservative treatment may involve taking non-steroidal pain medications, such as acetaminophen. The patient must be unable to carry out daily activities and must be experiencing severe pain. In addition, a patient must be experiencing abnormal sensitivity or weakness to the ice pack or heat. These treatments do not cure herniated discs, but can help you avoid surgery.

Home treatment for herniated discs includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) for a few days. The pain must be so severe that it interferes with daily activities or work. It should be so painful that a strong pain reliever cannot be used, or it may be necessary to have a CT scan to diagnose the cause of herniated disc.

Depending on the location of the herniation and the pain, herniated disc treatment may involve a series of physical therapy exercises or rest. If the herniated disc is located in the lumbar region, a patient may feel pain in the foot or leg. Walking or standing may increase the pain. If the herniated disc is in the lumbar region, patients should avoid activities that require bending. For instance, lying flat on their back with knees bent will reduce downward pressure on the disc.

The initial treatment for herniated discs may involve bed rest. MRI or CT scans may also be recommended. For people with severe pain, painkillers may be prescribed to reduce the pain. In some cases, surgery is necessary to repair herniated discs and repair any nerve damage. In addition to a variety of home remedies, the best treatment for herniated discs can be found in your doctor’s office.

The treatment for herniated discs consists of physical therapy, exercise, and medication. The pain in the leg can often be relieved with acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In severe cases, a doctor may suggest surgical intervention. Herniated discs may be repaired using surgery. While there are many different types of herniated disc treatment, the most effective treatment is the one that is most effective for the individual suffering from the condition.


emily watson