Home Education The Systematic Leadership of Pharmacy Staffs

The Systematic Leadership of Pharmacy Staffs

Servant leadership is basically a behavioral leadership philosophy where the main intention of the leadership leader is to serve others. This is quite different from conventional leadership in which the main goal of the leadership is the survival of the organization or companies. With this kind of leadership, the leader considers that people are much more important than things. This kind of leadership is also known as follower leadership and is not as authoritarian leadership. Although servant leadership has it upsides and disadvantages, it can still be beneficial and effective especially in small-scale organizations.

Learn the qualities of a servant leader

The most significant disadvantage of servant leadership is that there is no room for the leader to decide what to do and how he should do it. If things go out of hand, the leader might be accused of interfering with the work of other employees and this may lead to trouble in the organization. Another disadvantage of this kind of leadership is that there is an increased likelihood of followers turning against the leader. In other words, if you are a follower of transformational leadership model, there is a big possibility that you will turn against the leader of your organization if he does not show you clear direction. Moreover, this form of leadership may be detrimental to the organizational growth since the members might not see the purpose behind the organization’s activities.

However, these disadvantages should not stop institutions from using the system of servant leadership in their academic pharmacy. There are many benefits that this system can offer. First of all, the system of transformational leadership helps to build strong bonds among the staffs. Because of this, there is greater trust among the staffs towards the academic pharmacy as well as the administration. Furthermore, the way that the staffs work collectively in order to attain a common goal will help the staffs bond better with one another. These are just some of the many advantages of using the system of servant leadership in the faculty meetings of an academic pharmacy.


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